Zak's-not-afraid — cto

Zak's Not Afraid


Zak's Not Afraid

zak’s not afraid | shadows

Ask any expert and they’ll tell you that the limits about what we can do start in childhood. That’s why we are making this book series: to help children face the world courageously. But what is courage anyways? Courage is not the absence of fear, rather, it is the ability to act in spite of it.

Zak’s Not Afraid is fun, excites the imagination and helps with reading - this book does all of that with fun rhymes, engaging questions and creative illustrations the whole way! This is the perfect book to read together and Shadows is the first volume in this series.

Book Purchase Tiers

Light - 1 ebook emailed asap AND the animated video (in progress)($14)

Spark - 1 printed book ($25)

Fire - 1 printed book and 1 ebook emailed asap ($37)

Flame - 2 printed books and 1 ebook emailed asap ($55)

Boom! - 4 printed books, 1 ebook emailed asap, all copies signed by Zak and a personal thank you video from the team, AND a T-shirt! ($150)

Making Zak's Not Afraid Real!
from CA$14.00

In order to make this book at the quality and price we want, we need to hit the funding goal! THANK YOU.


  • A sample of Zak’s Not Afraid | Shadows has gone to print! This represents the whole ball of wax version of the book if we reach the funding goal. That’s glossy front and back covers, gold foil Studio Otesei emblem and matte on the inside - all pages hard board paper!

  • Our first preview of the prototype just came in!

  • Funding goal was reached!! We have real copies of Zak’s Not Afraid | Shadows now!

  • Project gets new textures like hair, leather, wallpaper, fur and more!

  • Bunny Pedro gets a felt scarf with a strawberry patch

  • Everybody’s getting stickers

thank you so much to the supporters

Special thanks to Amanda DLC for her unending support, to Ralph Gujol for the extra perspective, and to Zakariya for being so joyful and inspiring! Thanks to Mackoy for believing in the project before there was barely a drawing of Zak and Pedro. ASHANTI, thank you for the push to manifest things. Asifa, for the voice notes and positive feedback, thank you. To Christina, thank you for the custom pledge - you'll still get a book don't worry. Mustafa, thank you for the years of friendship and coming out of nowhere to support this book. To Sheba, thanks for the years of supporting my creative endeavours - this is the best yet! Andre, thank you for the years of support, creative feedback and for setting a great example with your photography business Ripe Images! Priya, thank you as well for the support and advice :). David, for the friendship and bravery, thank you.

To everyone who pitched in, thank you!!