Words: Garnet Nagato + Camera Direction: Kevan Kase + Photography: Wafa Judas, Fatih Stanley and Garnet Nagato + Host: Fatih Stanley + 

Video Editing & Effects: Sherif Badr

Hidden in a non-descript industrial area close to Yorkdale mall is the Hunter and Lucas eSports club, where the AMD Radeon ExtravaLANza was held. As a giant LAN party, it was a chance to compete in either DOTA 2, Starcraft II or Counterstrike (Global Offensive) amongst a cozy coterie of the growing subculture of eSports enthusiasts. Hosted by AMD and ESCHAMP, the tournament took place over two days and was replete with music, freebies and cash prizes. Glorious AMD rigs decked the halls and were provided for the ensuing battles to occur. This was a chance to show your APMs in SCII or no scope your opponents in CS:GO. Or just show up for the free AMD swag (in much abundance) and spectate.

There were displays of the latest AMD hardware and accoutrements, the Oculus Rift, AMD computers that looked like they should be in the space program, and keyboards that – I’m told, are somewhat analogous to the responsiveness of grand piano keys vs. upright pianos – so players can maximize their APMs. What a time to be alive. And here I am, playing on a console still. Far from insular experiences, the games played are ones of extreme micromanagement, lateral thinking - and within teams - the strict delineation of roles. It is in tournaments like these that the infrastructure to produce the most competitive players, to enter even larger tournaments, is both fostered.

If you love PC Gaming, this AMD event would've captivated you. Be sure to follow AMD on Twitter and Facebook to be in the know about events, promotions and technology announcements! Did you see the new AMD Radeon R9 Fury X GPU and AMD Radeon 360 GPU that just got released this month?


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