Game of Thrones is littered with messages of the importance of reading. From the iconic Tyrion line that brings joy to every nerd that reads it, "a mind needs books like a sword needs a whetstone if it is to keep it's edge," to the way Jon teases Sam about how he knows the obscurest of facts, "let me guess, you read it in a book!," GOT wants everyone to be more literate. Reading is how Ned discovers the truth about Cersei's children and why Sam holds on to the dragon glass that saves his ass later.
"you're like ... a wizard" she says in admiration of Sam's "ability" to read.
Sometimes when we're accused of something we didn't do harshly enough, the easiest way to get everyone to let up might seem to admit to false charges. You might save some time doing that, but you might lose your head in the process.
There's nobody that didn't love the romance between Rob Stark and his Talisa, and many whined about the Red Wedding, but nobody sees the Late Frey's perspective. Frey opened his bridge to the Starks during a very tense war period under the condition that he marry one of his daughters, and yet the boy wolf betrays him and even parades his new hot wife around Frey's castle as if kings can do whatever they want and get away with it. WRONG! When you break your word, expect consequences. Jon got a few arrows in his back for breaking this one as well.
Life's better when you can always pay your debts.
Little finger and The Spider are able to gain influence, manipulate the realm, and build notorious reputations by the information they're able to collect.
All it takes is a little spooning with a wildling!
Khaleesi's "slave army" wants to fight for her more than any soldier would fight for anybody in the Seven Kingdoms because she is the cause of their freedom. Elsewhere, "whose peace do the Goldcloaks protect? Who do they follow? " asks Little Finger. " The man who pays them."
Before Ned's unfortunate lack of stubbornness regarding the truth, he led the charge on the things he enforced. “The man who passes the sentence should swing the sword” Ned teaches young Bran after the execution.
If you can acquire something valuable that nobody else in the world has, you just might find the world at your feet. In Westeros trump cards are wildfire, direwolves, and menacing dragons. In your world, maybe it's an idea or an invention.
Don't leave your "dragons" in a f&%$ing box, by a window, with a shady prostitute handmaiden. Who is Khaleesi without her dragons? While she is unstoppable with them, they've been stolen once already, and if she were smart, she'd have a future backup plan for when they're almost inevitably stolen or killed. She may be in for some harsh reality otherwise...
Tyrion always has a backup plan.