What are you and your love doing this Valentine’s Day? What if you could go on a glamorous  date, enjoy everything Valentine’s Day offers - dressing up, the chocolates, the roses, dancing - and at the same time, help girls less fortunate beat poverty, access education and get proper medical care? While helping the impoverished isn’t exactly the first thing that comes to mind for a steamy night, Memory Box Events has found a way to let you get your Valentine’s Day on and make the world better.

Memory Box Events, one of the GTA’s boldest and brightest events companies is making a splash with this year’s Lend Your Love charity gala. The team at Memory Box has endeavored to change Valentine’s Day’s status as a superficial hallmark holiday and is giving those interested in changing lives a fun opportunity to do so. The event will be held at the Markham Museum on Friday, February 14th. This year, the gala will be donating all of its proceeds to Plan Canada’s Because I’m a Girl.

Enter Flavia Wong

Enter Flavia Wong

We sat down with Flavia Wong, a senior event planner at Memory Box Events, to discuss her inspiration for this event and for working in the event planning industry.

What initially drew you to a career in event planning?

My interest in event planning really started to grow in high school. I was active in a lot of the different student groups and enjoyed planning the events and activities for them. I also love great parties. What better way is there to make sure a party is great than to plan out every single detail of it yourself?

What advice would you give to someone looking to work in events?

Don’t be afraid to be different. Just because someone else isn’t doing it, doesn’t mean it isn’t a great idea. Follow your instincts.

What is the best thing about working in your industry?

The event planning industry allows you to be creative. You can think of an idea for a wedding or a party and then watch that small idea grow into something much bigger. It’s also awesome getting to see people enjoy the events that I’ve worked hard on.

Why “Lend Your Love”, and why choose a Gala in particular?

We chose a gala because we thought that Valentine’s Day has become a far too commercialized holiday. We wanted to put the love back into Valentine’s Day by giving people an opportunity to get dressed up, attend a party with friends or their other half and at the same time make a contribution to a charity that is doing amazing work for women in the third world. We named the event “Lend Your Love” because for this one day of the year, we are asking you to lend your love to the cause.

For someone who knows nothing about Lend Your Love, what would you say to convince them that they should attend?

I’d tell them that if they want to have a good time, enjoy some good food, drinks, entertainment AND contribute to a good cause, this is the event to be at this Valentine’s Day.


Get more info on this event HERE


Jason Naipaul

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