Names of Famous Swords through History, Barbs of Feathers — cto

by many


A rapier named Needle for Arya Stark

needle arya stark.jpg

A longsword named Longclaw for Jon Snow


A twin tipped sayf named Zulfiqar for Ali

zulfiqar sword.jpg

but a ninja knows tools are as dead as enemies

Another longsword named Excalibur for a king, Arthur in England

Excalibur sword.png

Another pair like Musashi named Colada and Tizona for El Cid Campeador in Spain

coloda and tizona.jpg

but a ninja knows tools are as dead as enemies

Kusanagi-no-tsurugi (grass cutting sword), originally called ame-no-murakumo-no-tsurugi (Sword of the Gathering Clouds in Heaven) in Japan, owner unknown


but a ninja knows tools are as dead as enemies

Charlemagne's Joyeuse in Ardeche and Durandal for his paladin Roland. A Song for Roland, angels delivered it.They might as well have.


Legbiter for a viking king Magnus II, ivory hilt


but a ninja knows tools are as dead as enemies

Shamshir-e-Zomorrodnegar, for the persian legend Amir Arsalan. He was a traditional and ate no pork. A horned beast Fulad-zereh has skin invincible to every other karambit knife.


King Solomon's jinns made it carefully, carefully guarded by the same beast.

It also nullified the evil eye of enemies.

but a ninja knows tools are as dead as enemies

And Wallace's sword for FREEDOM! FREEDOM!

He led a resistance against the English during the Wars of Scottish Independence. Prima Nocte burned his blood when they came for his wife after his wedding night.

But even still, a ninja knows tools are as dead as enemies

Marie Kondo greets their living rooms, folded hands in knees, and jaws drop in adoration. They didn't see how Muhammad named every thing he owned. You're never lonely among friends.


al-Ma’thur, also known as “Ma’thur al-Fijar” came before verses in Mecca. Al-Rasub was a sword reserved by Sherif's cousins in the topkapi museum.***


Al-Battar was another sword that means "sword of the prophets" and it's inscribed in Arabic the names of David, Solomon, Moses, Aaron, Joshua, Zechariah, John, Jesus, and Muhammad. It also has a drawing of King David when cut off the head of Goliath to whom this sword had belonged originally.


a ninja knows tools are as dead as enemies - Musashi wrote it in his Book of Five Rings, preferring the art to dead art tools.

Muhammad knew swords are as alive as enemies, thirsty.

Sherif has many teeth swords. A Narwhal rapier lance named Long Tooth is almost as tall as he is, 5"6 - a blunted dagger with inscriptions that remind of Al-battar. Let’s not forget the replica of Longclaw by Jay Joo, a skilled blacksmith.


"But Iron - Cold Iron - is master of them all." cackles a dragon named Daniel Parent, sky blue in scale color, echoing the Kipling society.

Aladdin’s commentary:

*** Look at Prophet Muhammad's sword almathur - how he would have adored the serpent's / dragon's jeweled eyes. Did you even know him? Does any of us? How he named it and cherished it and prayed with it kept close, how angels would have been near guarding it. How jinn would have wanted to destroy it. What do you know about him really? Many think that Islam is anti-art. Did they not see Solomon and how he used a powerful jinn army to make statues and basins and art?

